
Chapter 10: A Description of Mt. Sinai’s Robotic Prostatectomy Procedure and Benefits; Evolution of Prostatectomy Procedures

Dr. David B. Samadi, Chief of Division of Robotics and Minimal Invasive Surgery for Mount Sinai School of Medicine, discusses the Mount Sinai operating room experience. Dr. Samadi sits at console, near the patient, while his assistant is next to patient. The entire surgery is performed at the console. Samadi can see inside of patient abdomen. The robot is an extension of the surgeon’s arm, navigating the camera and arms where it’s needed. The surgeon is shown navigating the robotic arms, and the robotic arms are shown performing the surgery. Robotic holes are made in abdomen; CO2 is introduced, which creates room in the abdomen to perform the surgery. He then shows diagram of patient in surgery. The robot is attached to the patient and the rest is done via remote control. Dr. Samadi then shows an illustration of the Samadi techique. In the Samadi technique, the curtain that wraps around the nerve is completely untouched without cautering or burning. The prostate is removed, the bladder is connected to the urethra and the procedure is completed, in 1.5 hours, maximum 2 hours with minimal blood loss.