Dr. David B. Samadi, Chief of Division of Robotics and Minimal Invasive Surgery for Mount Sinai School of Medicine, discusses the particulars of robotic surgery. In robotic surgery, there are 2 cameras, which provide a 3D view. It’s easier for open surgeons who don’t have laparoscopic experience to learn. There is a better range of motion. Surgeons are working in a very narrow space and more can be accomplished where before they were functioning blindly. In open surgery, there is a lot of blood, and you can’t see, so surgeons depend on tactile feedback. So the robot becomes more helpful in that case. As compared to 8 or 9 years ago, all cases have converted to robotic surgery. Nowadays, Samadi must be convinced in extreme cases to use open surgery. Dr. Samadi also discusses what the actual robot looks like.