
Hidden Link Between Prostate Cancer and Testicular Cancer

Hidden Link Between Prostate Cancer and Testicular Cancer

World-renowned robotic prostate surgeon, Dr. David Samadi, encourages men to get annual prostate cancer screenings and stay proactive about their health. Major health risks for all men include both prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Both cancers have high cure rates and can be effectively treated if they are caught early. This highlights the importance of screening for these male cancers and early detection.

Screening may be even more significant now as the American Society of Clinical Oncology, is confirming a link between prostate cancer and testicular cancer. According to a new study at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, men who have had testicular cancer may have an increased risk for prostate cancer. While there have been previous studies that have shown an increased risk of prostate cancer in men who have previously had testicular cancer, this is the first one to observe the risk of getting intermediate or high-risk prostate cancer.

Men who previously had testicular cancer were 5.8 percent more likely to get intermediate or high-risk prostate cancer, compared to 1.1 percent of men who did not have testicular cancer. Overall, men with a history of testicular cancer had a 4.7 times higher risk for prostate cancer and a 5.2 times higher risk for intermediate or high-risk prostate cancer.

Although further research is needed, physicians need to establish practical clinical recommendations for those men who have had testicular cancer and may be at higher risk for prostate cancer. Understanding the risk factors of prostate cancer and other cancers can help men make the right decisions about their health and potentially screen more often than those without a history of another cancer. Furthermore, general health screening is important for all men, and should follow this general guide in every decade of their lives:

For men in their 20s:

  •     Complete physical every three years
  •     Get blood pressure checked every year
  •     Cancer screenings every three years particularly for thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth and skin
  •     Cholesterol test for total, LDL and HDL (the good kind) every three years
  •     Testicular self-exam every month

For men in their 30s:

  •     Complete physical every 2 years
  •     Get blood pressure checked every year
  •     Cancer screenings for thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth and skin every three years
  •     Cholesterol test for total LDL, HDL (the good kind) every three years
  •     Testicular self-exam every month

For men in their 40s:

  •     Get blood pressure checked every year
  •     Cancer screenings for thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth and skin every three years
  •     Cholesterol test for total LDL, HDL (the good kind) every three years
  •     Testicular self-exam every month
  •     Complete physical every 2 years
  •     Baseline prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test and digital rectal exam (DRE)
  •     Stool test (for colon and rectal cancers) every year

For men in their 50s:

  •     Get blood pressure checked every year
  •     Cancer screenings for thyroid, testicles, lymph nodes, mouth and skin every three years
  •     Cholesterol test for total LDL, HDL (the good kind) every three years
  •     Testicular self exam every month
  •     A sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (for colon cancers) every three to four years or as recommended by your healthcare provider
  •     PSA and DRE exam every year

Patients who are newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, or prostate related illness, can contact world-renowned prostate cancer surgeon and urologic oncologist, Dr. David Samadi, for a phone consultation. Call 212.365.5000 to set up your consultation with Dr. Samadi.