
TV Interviews: National Healthcare

CDC issues dire predictions on Ebola

Dr. David Samadi, Chairman of Urology and Chief of Robotic Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital comments on the CDC predictions for Ebola infections.

Back to school health tips

With the new school year about to kick off, Dr. David Samadi, Chairman of Urology and Chief of Robotic Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital advises parents to take care of children’s checkups, including vaccinations and eye exams, and to also update any health information with the school nurse.

Essential tips for earthquake safety

Robotic prostate surgeon, Dr. David Samadi reports on the California earthquake and offers tips for earthquake safety.

Safety concerns at the CDC

After a mishap at CDC labs, where 80 workers were exposed to anthrax, Dr. Samadi discusses the implications of the situation. While it was a mishap, Dr. Samadi reminds viewers that accidents do happen and sometimes lead to greater outcomes, such as the discovery of penicillin. It is also noted that the exposed employees were treated with Cipro.

Cancer Deaths Down 20% Nationwide

Dr David Samadi appears on Fox News to discuss cancer trends across the US. A new report released by the CA Cancer Journal has found that cancer deaths are down 20% nationwide. Advances in screening and healthier quality of life are behind this improved statistic.

Obamacare Ruling – Part 1

Dr. David Samadi, top prostate cancer surgeon, joins a panel of medical professionals on Fox News to discuss the new Supreme Court healthcare ruling. The new Obamacare healthcare law stipulates that Americans must purchase medical insurance or pay a penalty to the government. Dr. Samadi shares his thoughts on how this health reform will impact patients, physicians, and hospital. He acknowledges the interconnectedness of Obama healthcare with new immigration laws and the state of the economy. Dr. Samadi agrees that the new law will give patients in the U.S. greater access to healthcare, though he poses a question as to how an increased volume of healthcare might affect quality.

Obamacare Ruling – Part 2

Additional footage of the Fox News panel of nine doctors commenting on the new Supreme Court healthcare ruling regarding mandatory health insurance in the U.S. features comments from leading prostate cancer expert, Dr. David Samadi. He discusses the role of government in medical issues, including the U.S. government task force’s recommendation against annual PSA screenings and cautions that insurance companies may soon reject coverage of prostate cancer tests and other preventative measures. Obamacare and health reform in the U.S. brings EMR (electronic medical records) requirements and changes in the procedures and treatments that insurance companies will elect to cover. Emergency room coverage is discussed, along with how physician services may or may not be reimbursed and how a patient’s economic status may affect the care they can afford.

America’s Newsroom Fox News – Health Care Reform and Surgical Care